Tips to Grow Your Natural Eyelashes

Tips to Grow Your Natural Eyelashes

Don’t you just hate it when your best friend gets ready for the party in minutes, because she has been blessed with naturally voluminous lashes while you spend hours putting layers of mascara to make your lashes look even half as good as her? Life can really be unfair sometimes. We have always dreamed of having longer lashes – and who wouldn’t? Longer lashes can instantly enhance your features and they look gorgeous.

Well, life doesn’t have to be unfair. There are ways in which you can make your sparse lashes look fuller and longer. Just takes a bit of time and effort on your part and you could be the one dazzling everyone with your long, wispy lashes. Here in this blog, we’re going to give you a few tips on how to grow your lashes and enhance their thickness. Get ready to flaunt your natural lashes. 


Natural Ways to Grow your Lashes

There are some natural ingredients that you can use to promote the growth of your eyelashes and help maintain their texture. These are:


  1. Castor Oil

Castor oil is a natural wonder when it comes to beauty. Having the ability to treat sunburn, wrinkles and prevent dandruff, this beauty elixir has been used in the beauty regimen for centuries. Castor oil has been known to promote hair luster and can actually provide some conditioning that improves the flexibility of the hair fiber.

  • Mix a few drops of castor oil with coconut oil and apply it with the help of a cotton tip on the lashes. You can do this every night before going to bed and wash it off in the morning.


  1. Olive Oil

Olive oil can also work wonders in promoting hair growth and preventing the loss of your lashes. It is made up of essential fatty acids that can give you luscious lashes and thickness that will put a smile on your face.

  • Dip a cotton swab in extra virgin olive oil and smear it over your lashes at night before going to sleep. The strengthening properties and extra hydration from the olive oil will give that added oomph to your lashes making them longer, thicker and shinier.


  1. Vitamin E Oil

Vitamin E oil is a powerful tonic that not only helps in making the eyelashes longer but also strengthens them and prevents them from falling off. It is on the must have list of many celebrities like the Kardashians.

  • Take a Vitamin E capsule, break it and extract the oil. You can massage the oil gently on the eye lids lightly with your fingertips for about 5 to 10 minutes. You can also use a mascara brush and dip it in the oil. Brush the oil onto your lashes in an upward motion every night before going to sleep. Wash it off the next day.


  1. Shea Butter

Shea Butter has intense moisturizing properties and works like magic to keep your eyelashes strong and hydrated. It also contains Vitamin C which increase collagen production and is rich in antioxidant. Shea butter boosts strength and thickness of your lashes making them longer and more defined.

  • Take a bit of shea butter in the tip of your finger and massage it gently over your eyelids and on your lashes. Do this every night before going to sleep and let the butter work its magic all night long.


  1. Green Tea

Green tea not only provides a lot of health benefits, but it can have profound effects on your beauty as well. The flavonoids and polyphenols present in Green tea improves the volume and length of your eyelashes.

  • Enjoy a cup of green tea on a regular basis and see the effect it will have on your eyelashes. Alternatively, you can dip a cotton swab in the green tea and dab it on your lashes and place a green tea bag on your lids to calm tired eyes and enhance your eyelash health.


  1. Biotin Supplements

Biotin deficiency is one of the main causes associated with hair fall. This can affect the hair on your lashes as well. If you have tried all the above methods and still feel that the eyelashes are not growing, you should consult a doctor. Do not take the biotin supplements without the consent of the doctor. These supplements can help thicken the lashes and make them longer and stronger.

  • Take one biotin supplement (or as recommended by the manufacturer) with a meal. Always consult the physician before taking any supplements.


Other tips to keep those lashes in tip-top condition

You should always take good care of your eyelashes to ensure that they are healthy and in good condition. Some useful pointers to take note of are as follows:

  • Always remove your eye makeup before going to sleep as it can make the eyelash hair weak and brittle.
  • Handle your eyelashes with care when removing makeup. Instead of swiping and rubbing off the makeup, dab the eye with the makeup remover and remove makeup with gentle strokes.
  • Ensure you follow a healthy diet. Food rich in omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin A, Vitamin B5 should be part of your diet to stimulate hair growth.


    All these are great tips to keep your eyelashes in good condition and promote their growth. By following these steps consistently and regularly, it won’t be long before you will be able to flaunt your sought-after naturally long lashes. However, if you are invited to a special occasion or party while you are still in the process of growing your eyelash hair, you can check out our collection of false eyelashes. There are some great options for you to rock and a lash style to suit all occasions and eye shapes.

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