How to Apply False Eyelashes

How to Apply False Eyelashes

So, you’re getting ready for a night out and it’s time for that dreaded make or break moment before strapping on your heels and jumping in an Uber – it’s time to glue on your false eyelashes.  Pressures on, right?

While this process can be hit and miss for even the most experienced lash applicators, we’ve written a step-by-step guide to help you perfect the lash application process with minimal room for error, and will ensure your lashes feel comfy and look fabu-lash!  Too much?  Let’s stick to what we’re good at – let’s talk lashes.  

Step 1: Preparation

Before even thinking about sticking your lashes on, your makeup must be fully complete – winged liner and all!  Putting makeup on after your lashes are stuck on has the potential to move the placement of your lashes, and the lashes themselves create a physical barrier for your brushes to freely reach your eyelids.  In the preparation stage, we also recommend that you curl your lashes so they curve in line with the false lashes and adding mascara if desired.  

Step 2: Removing the Lashes from Pack

It may seem silly that we’ve included a step on how to remove the lashes from the pack – but when it comes to the tricky art of false eyelash application, every small step counts!  So, using a pair of tweezers, gently grip the inner corner of the false eyelash strip and slowly peel it from the packaging, ensuring as best possible that you maintain the natural curved shape of the lash strip (this will help you later!)  

Step 3: Prepping the Lashes

You know what they say about preparation, “by failing to prepare, you’re preparing to fail” and this couldn’t be more true when it comes to false lashes, so this step is an important one!  Now, all false lashes are usually designed to be quite long to cater for different eye shapes and sizes, so it’s important to customise them to your eyelid and trim them accordingly so they fit you perfectly. To measure the lash, place it on your eyelid (without glue), and note how much needs to be taken off.  Using a small pair of scissors, trim off little sections of the lash at a time starting from the outer side of the lash, and then alternating with the inner side as required (this will help the lash keep its shape).  Be sure to remeasure the lash in between trims so you don’t end up cutting off too much in one go.  Also, don’t forget to cut off any little tabs sticking out on the ends of the lashes as they will irritate your skin.  

Step 4: The Glue

Okay so that hasn’t been so bad right? Things are looking up and like you’ll be on schedule for departure!  Then comes the glue.  There’s something nerve wracking about the finality of lash glue, knowing you’re getting closer to that make or break moment and everything is basically time critical from this moment onwards.  Stressful right?  We get it.  Not to worry though, let’s just take this one lash at a time.  So, while holding your false lash with your tweezers, put a thin-medium amount of glue on the lining of the false lash ensuring you’re covering the bottom and side of the lining (as these will be the sections touching your eyelids and eyelashes).  Now, this is important – leave the glue to dry for 30 seconds so that it becomes tacky and sticky.  If you try to stick the lashes on too early, the glue won’t have an opportunity to set and the lash will just slip all over your eyelid and probably ruin your winged liner that you spent ages doing, and re-doing.  

Step 5: Sticking the Lashes On

Okay so far so good.. here’s the big moment – it’s time to stick this bad boy on.  Without fully closing your eye, look downwards and using your tweezers gently place the lash on your eyelid, laying down the inner side first and then slowly adjusting and pulling the remainder of the lash into place.  Ensure you’re placing the lash as close to your lash line as possible, and adjust where required with your hands and tweezers until they’re in place and comfortable.  Don’t stress if your lid is covered in white glue, it will dry and become transparent so no one will know how many times you adjusted or smudged it! 

Step 6: Setting the Lashes

The worst is over, great job! Now to set the lashes to make sure they’re stuck on securely all night long!  If any sections of the lash aren’t sticking down after initially adjusting them, use your glue applicator to touch up those sections.  If you don’t have that problem, the next thing to do is to put a small amount of pressure on the lash with your fingers in a pushing motion (without moving it) and hold for 15 seconds to solidify the lash glue onto the lid.  For extra security, you can use your tweezers to pinch the lashes and your natural lashes together, particularly if you’re wearing mascara, the tackiness of it will help to combine them (if you do this please be so careful not to pinch your eyelid or poke your eye!).  Your eyelids may be feeling heavier than usual which is natural when wearing false lashes, but they shouldn’t feel itchy or uncomfortable, if this is the case you may need to readjust them. 

Step 7: Repeat

Time to start on eye #2.  This process is hard enough as it is, the last thing you need is to be juggling both eyes at once.  The trickiness of the timing of the lash glue means that one eye could take longer than the other and you want to give each lash the time it needs to get it stuck on properly and stay on all night.  

Step 8: Celebrate!

Congratulations! You’ve done it! That wasn’t so bad right?  Don’t forget to pack your lash glue in your purse before you leave home in case your lashes lift a little during the night.  Now, time to enjoy your lashes and squeeze in a few selfies before your Uber arrives! Enjoy! 

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